Archive for the 'Guest Poster/Guest Photographer' Category

Day 62: Who, Me?

Taken by my 4-year-old. This picture is so MB. And I have to note that I adore how soft and cuddly babies are in their little sleep sacks. There is nothing cuter than a 6-month-old in a baby bag.

Day 60: Big Girl Booster Chair

Guess who’s a big girl now?

Thanks to my dh for taking this picture.

Day 48: A 4-Year-Old’s Photo


This picture makes me laugh.  I didn’t see her take it, so it was a surprise when I uploaded the photos onto the computer.  I love this girl.

Okay, so maybe you haven’t seen enough of my kids’ costumes . . .


A very kind friend took these pictures of my kids in their costumes. If you’re interested in learning more about her work, go to Grey Finch Design + Photography. She’s does fantastic work and is available for events in Amarillo.

Day 42: “Shopping”


This is my 3-year-old. And the picture was taken by my 4-year-old. But that’s not why the picture is blurry. It’s blurry because they were moving THAT FAST. This is one way I will always remember my son, even when he’s a grown man; as a happy little sprite tearing through the house in his underwear pushing a plastic grocery cart at full speed with his sister on his heels. It doesn’t get much better than that, does it?

Day 36: Rockin’ Out to Monster Truck Music


L loves his new trucks; this a a pic of him dancing to the 4 or 5 seconds of heavy-metal music his monster truck plays. Thanks to my sweet little 4-year-old for taking this picture. I swear, she’s a better photographer than me.

Day 26: Thank You, Veggietales


. . . for this rare moment of peace and tranquility in our household (and thank you to my husband for taking this picture).

Day 20: Up.


MB is now 5 months old, and she’s settled into a schedule rather nicely.  For some reason, though, she still has the occasional really bad night.  This is what she and my husband look like around midnight.  My husband actually took this picture himself;  He says it’s proof she wasn’t crying the entire time.

Day 15: A Toofer


There in that newly-turned-five-month-old little mouth is a brand new tooth. My little girl is growing up. Thanks to my 4-year-old daughter for taking this picture.

The World According to a 4-Year-Old


My 4-year-old took these photos.  I’d just charged up our little digital camera and, in the midst of a family picnic outside, I showed her how to take pictures and sent her off with it.  She spent the next several hours playing with the camera, and it’s amazing to see ourselves and our home through the eyes of someone who’s three and a half feet tall.  It was also interesting to see what she took pictures of; she did take some of the trees and plants in our yard, but she mostly focused (heh heh heh, punny, no?) on her favorite objects and her family.  There were, of course, a few pictures of her fingers, but on the whole I think she did a pretty good job.  Check out the gallery . . .

Chaos. Everyday.

Four kids. Two parents. Everyday life. Stop in often for new updates, crafts we've been working on, and a journal of life with four kids age five and under.

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